


A bear is silently walking around in the woods looking for food. Out of the corner of her eye she sees a __1_ silently moving toward her. The bear slowly __2__ her head in the other direction and discovers another lion. She is being ambushed (伏击). If there are two, there will be more. She is in a(n) __3__ situation now.

She quickly turns her head and __4__ another two lions. As her head turns she feels a _5__ pain in her back as one of the lions has pounced (猛扑) on her and __6_ his claws () deep into her __7_. The bear fights back but finds her roar can't scare the lions __8__. Another lion bites her leg, and the other __9__ pounce on her back and front.

For a few moments the bear __10_ and thinks she is as good as dead. Then a _11__ of her babies jumps into her mind. She sees the babies looking for their _12_ looking for food and at that moment she knows they will die if she does not _13_ back to the hole under the oak tree. Another claw just misses her eye __14_ she sees the lion about to bite into her neck. The babies __15_ coming back into her mind and __16__ she rises ... she rises to __17__ the lions ...

We all have magic in us. Your goal in life should be to find the _18__ inside of you, find it quickly and keep driving toward it in every __19_ day of your life. You __20__ are magical — you might not realize it but the magic is there.

1A. lion                                     B. tiger

C. fox                                           D. goat

2A. bends                                 B. turns

C. raises                                        D. drops

3A. lonely                                  B. dangerous

C. unusual                                     D. strange

4A. discovers                            B. feels

C. catches                                     D. hears

5A. slight                                   B. soft

C. terrible                                      D. short

6A. thrown                                B. dug

C. placed                                      D. put

7A. head                                   B. leg

C. neck                                         D. back

8A. off                                      B. out

C. away                                        D. aside

9A. two                                     B. three

C. four                                          D. five

10A. gives back                         B. gives off

C. gives in                                     D. gives up

11A. thought                              B. memory

C. picture                                      D. concern

12A. mother                              B. father

C. sisters                                       D. brothers

13A. leave                                 B. come

C. take                                          D. look

14A. if                                       B. though

C. unless                                       D. as

15A. start                                  B. stop

C. keep                                         D. try

16A. suddenly                           B. finally

C. actually                                     D. gradually

17A. get off                               B. shake off

C. turn off                                     D. take off

18A. chance                              B. magic

C. decision                                    D. goal

19A. special                              B. important

C. single                                        D. great

20A. entirely                              B. clearly

C. truly                                         D. probably


语篇解读 作者在本文中通过熊与狮子搏斗的故事告诉读者要意识到并发掘自己身上那种不可思议的力量。

1A 根据下句中的... discovers another lion可知此处应选A项。

2B 从句子后面部分in the other direction及下一段中的She quickly turns her head可知,这里指把头转向另一个方向。

3B 由上文所描述的内容:熊被好几头狮子伏击了,可知她的处境很危险(dangerous)

4A 根据上下文可知此处要选discovers,指又发现了两头狮子。

5C 结合后半句话可知这里指一种剧烈的疼痛(a terrible pain)

6B 根据句中的deep into her __7__可知,此处要选dug,表示刺;戳

7D 根据前面的pain in her back可知此处应选D项。

8C 她的吼叫不能把狮子吓走(scare the lions away)

9A 上文提到共有4头狮子,而现在一头在攻击背部,一头在咬腿,那么剩下的两头就在熊的前后猛扑了。故选A项。

10D 根据句子后面部分可知此处指熊曾一度放弃了(gives up)

11C 接着熊仔的画面(picture)出现在她的脑海。

12A 根据文中的sheher babies可知这里指的是母亲(mother)

13B come back to返回到……”

14D 当(as)一头狮子要咬进她的脖子时,另一只爪子差点划过她的眼睛。

15C 指熊仔的画面不断(keep)出现在她的脑海里。

16A 突然(suddenly)她站起来了。

14B shake off摆脱,符合上下文语境,熊最终脱离了险境。

18B 根据上一句中的... have magic in us及下一句中的magical可知此处选magic

19C every single day每一天

20C 结合文章内容可知这里要选truly,因为作者持非常肯定的态度,认为每个人都有不可思议的力量。其他选项与语境不符。


For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In some __1__ countries, people can turn on their __2__ and shop for clothes, jewelry, food, toys and __3__ things.
  Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden. __4__, the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in fifteen European countries, and in one year, it makes $10 million. In France, there are two teleshopping channels, and the French __5__ about $ 20 million a year in buying things through those channels.
  In Germany, __6__ last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for one hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can __7__ for telebusiness, including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company. German __8__ are hoping these will help them sell more things.
  Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without __9__. With all the traffic problems in cities, going shopping is not an easy thing. But at the same time, other Europeans __10__ like this new way of buying things. They call __11__ junk on the air. Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things __12__ on TV. They think high quality is the most important thing, and they dont believe they can be sure about the quality of the things __13__.
  The need of high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be __14__ the American companies. They will have to be more careful about __15__ of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see by themselves.

  1. A. European              B. Asian                 C. American                  D. African
  2. A. lights                     B. switches             C. radios                       D. TVs
  3. A. some else              B. another many     C. the other                   D. many other
  4. A. Such as                 B. For example      C. For teleshopping       D. It is like
  5. A. takes                     B. cost                   C. spends                     D. spend
  6. A. to                          B. until                   C. unless                       D. by
  7. A. begin                     B. leave                  C. open                        D. turn on
  8. A. people                   B. women              C. businessmen             D. officials
  9. A. to go out                B. going out
      C. to buy things          D. buying things
  10. A. still                      B. dont                  C. even                         D. wont
  11. A. teleshopping        B. TV                     C. radio                        D. telephone
  12. A. appearing            B. coming out          C. for sale                    D. to buy
  13. A. in the shop           B. on TV                C. they bought              D. by this way
  14. A. the same with       B. different from
        C. as big as              D. larger than
  15. A. the number          B. the quality          C. the places                 D. the buyers


  At half  1  five, Mrs.  Black heard her husband park the car   2   the house and went out to speak to him right away“What's wrong with you?” he asked“You look worried”“I have  3  a terrible mistake, dear ,” she said“Mrs. Smith called me half  4  hour agoWe were talking and then   5   thinking, I asked her and her husband to come to have dinner  6  us this evening

       “Well, that's  7  to be worried about,” Mr. Black said“We will  have a pleasant  8 We haven't seen the   9   for a long time”“I'd like them  10 ,” Mrs. Black answered. “But I've just 11  there is almost not any food at homeYou didn't remember  12  someI asked you to get some   13  your way home from work three days ago

       “Some food?” Mr. Black said“Oh, my dear, yes, I  14  nowI did  buy someIt's in the carIt's been there for the   15   three days

  ( )1 Apast     Bpassed    Cto     Dat

  ( )2 Ain      Binside    Coutside   Don

  ( )3 Ahad      Bmade    Cgot    Dreceived

  ( )4 Apast     Bto      Cthe    Dan

  ( )5 Awith       Bout of    Cfor    Dwithout

  ( )6 Awith    Bfor     Cwithout   Dout of

  ( )7 Anothing   Beverything  Canything   Dsomething

  ( )8 Ahour    Bday    Cevening  Dweek

  ( )9 Awife      Bhusband  CSmiths  Dfriend

  ( )10Acame      Bto come  Ccome  Dcoming

  ( )11Afinded     Bfounded  Cfound   Dknow

  ( )12Ato buy     Bbought   Cbuying  Dbuys

  ( )13Ain       Bon     Cto    Dabove

  ( )14Aremembered Bforget   Cremember Dremembering

  ( )15Apast    B /     Cpass    Dfuture




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