
Friendship without Borders

Foreigners were awarded the Friendship Medal for their contributions to China’s development.

Isabel Crook was a 105-year-old Canadian, born in 1915 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. At that time, Isabel’s mother began schools for the deaf and dumb Chinese. Her father, Homer, helped begin The West China Union University in Chengdu. Isabel has spent most of her life in China. On September 30th 2019, as the People’s Republic of China (PRC) celebrated its 70th anniversary, Isabel Crook received the highest honor of her life—the PRC’s Friendship Medal.

Crook’s longest living outside of China was six years at the University of Toronto, where she got a master of art degree with a minor in anthropology ( 人类学 ), returning to China in 1939. From that year, she worked as an anthropologist in Sichuan and was interested in understanding people’s culture and living condition. Isabel went door-to-door meeting the local people and kept detailed records of their daily life.

She married David Crook, a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, in 1942 and joined his party the same year. In 1947, the couple did research in a village called Shilidian in Hebei Province. The village can also be called Ten Mile Inn. Based on their study, the couple wrote a book titled Revolution in a Chinese Village: Ten Mile Inn, which was first published in London in 1959.

In 1948, David and Isabel began to teach English at a newly well-known Foreign Affairs School, where they would help prepare a few students for future diplomatic ( 外交 ) service. After Liberation, the school moved from Hebei to Beijing, where it became the Beijing Foreign Languages Institute (now Beijing Foreign Studies University).

After receiving the Friendship Medal, she told the media that she observed with her own eyes the rapid development and changes in the 70 years since the founding of the PRC She experienced the great times of China. Meanwhile, she said proudly, “I have been lucky enough to devote myself to it and do some work.”

1 Does Isabel Crook spend most of her life in China?

2 What honor did Isabel Crook receive during the PRC’s celebration of the 70th anniversary?

3 Where did Isabel Crook get her master of art degree?

4 What did the Crooks (the couple) do in 1947?

5 Why was Isabel Crook proud?


1 Yes.

2 The PRC’s Friendship Medal.

3 At the University of Toronto.

4 They did research in a village called Shilidian in Hebei Province.

5 Because she devoted herself to the great times of China and did some work.


这篇短文主要讲述了 Isabel Crook 因给中国发展做出了贡献而被授予友谊奖。

1. 根据文中 “Isabel has spent most of her life in China.” 可知, Isabel Crook 一生的大部分时间都在中国度过。此处作肯定回答。 Yes 是的。故填 Yes.

2. 根据文中 “On September 30th 2019, as the People’s Republic of China (PRC) celebrated its 70th anniversary, Isabel Crook received the highest honor of her life—the PRC’s Friendship Medal.” 可知, Isabel Crook 获得了她一生中的最高荣誉 —— 中华人民共和国友谊奖章。故填 The PRC’s Friendship Medal.

3. 根据文中 “Crook’s longest living outside of China was six years at the University of Toronto, where she got a master of art degree with a minor in anthropology ( 人类学 ), returning to China in 1939.” 可知,她在多伦多大学获得艺术硕士学位。故填 At the University of Toronto.

4. 根据文中 “In 1947, the couple did research in a village called Shilidian in Hebei Province.” 可知,这对夫妇在河北省十里店村做研究。故填 They did research in a village called Shilidian in Hebei Province.

5. 根据文中 “After receiving the Friendship Medal, she told the media that she observed with her own eyes the rapid development and changes in the 70 years since the founding of the PRC. She experienced the great times of China. Meanwhile, she said proudly, “I have been lucky enough to devote myself to it and do some work.”” 可知,因为她献身于中国的伟大事业,做了一些工作。故填 Because she devoted herself to the great times of China and did some work.


    When Chinese people talk about Chinese tea culture today, they won't miss an important person in Chinese history-Lu Yu, respected as a "Sage of Tea (茶圣)" for his achievements in the Chinese tea culture. He is bestknown for The Classic of Tea, the first work on growing, making and drinking tea.

Lu was born in Jingling in 733 A.D.As a child, he became a student of Zou Fuzi. Thanks to his teacher's guidance, he learnt a lot. He often made tea for his teacher. He also took care of his fellow students' health using his knowledge on tea and herbs (草药).

Lu Yu often went to the countryside to gather tea leaves and herbs. On one of those trips, Lu Yu found a spring. The water was quite clear and clean. When Lu made tea with this spring water, he found the tea tasted better than usual. From then on, he realized the importance of water quality in making tea.

In 752 A.D, Lu Yu finished his studies and returned to Jingling, where he met Cui Guofu. Both men shared the same interests in tea, literature (文学) and poetry. They soon became good friends. Since then, the two spent much time travelling, drinking tea and writing poems together.

This period was important to Lu Yu as a man of literature. Cui, with his rich experience and skills in writing, became a coach of Lu. He provided necessary help with Lu's writing. It was during this time that Lu finally wrote the amazing work, The Classic of Tea.

34What is Lu famous for?

AHaving wisdom.                                        BRespecting teachers.

CCaring for friends.                                     DInfluencing tea culture.

35What does the underlined word "guidance" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

AHelp                      BStress                     CProtection              DControl

36Why did Lu and Cui become good friends?

AThey had the same hobbies.                        BThey lived in the same place.

CThey spent much time together.                   DThey had the same experiences.

37Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?

Lu Yu wrote The Classic of Tea.

Lu Yu became a student of Zou Fuzi.

Lu Yu made friends with Cui Guofu.

Lu Yu found water quality was important.

A②③①④               B②④③①               C④①③②               D④②③①


  He has millions of students from all over the world. They listen to his classes online. They    16    see his face on the screen. Salman Khan, 42, from the US, is the founder(创始人)of the learning website Khan Academy.

Unlike other online courses that film teachers    17    classes, Khan's videos only use his voice and a digital blackboard for writing. He says he doesn't want a human face to distract(使分心)students. Khan also makes his classes    18    10 to 15 minutes so that students won't lose interest. They can also get scores from taking classes.

The courses are translated into more than 36 different languages    19    Chinese. About 80 teachers from the world's top universities are now also teaching on the website. But all this started nine years ago with just one man-Khan. These kinds of special courses make Khan Academy one of the world's    20    online education websites.

In 2006, Khan made homemade videos to help his    21    grade cousin with math. He posted the videos online and got thousands of views. This encouraged him to make more videos and create his own website Khan Academy.

Khan understands that many kids, especially those in developing countries, cannot get a good education. He has three degrees from universities. He wants to use his    22    to help more people. Thus, his courses are all offered for free. "Our task is to    23    a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere," he said.

Khan's website has    24    become very popular worldwide but won a lot of respect(尊重). Even Bill Gates, the founder of Micros of, is one of his fans. Gates    25    over $1.5 million to support Khan and named him "the teacher to the world".

16Aalways            Busually                   Cnever                     Dsometimes

17Ato give            Bgiving                    Cgive                       Dgave

18Aas long as        Bas much as              Cas short as              Das soon as

19Aincluding        Bwith                       Cas                          Dbeside

20Aleast popular    Bmore popular          Cpopular                  Dmost popular

21Anine                Bnineth                    Cninth                      Dthe ninth

22Aknowledge      Bfame                      Ccourage                  Dvalue

23Agive                Boffer                      Cprovide                  Dpay

24Aever                Balready                   Cnot                        Dnot only

25Agave out          Bgave off                 Cgave up                  Dgave away


Tu Youyou, pharmacologist, born in December 1930

Tu, winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin, a kind of medicine used to fight against malaria (疟疾) has solved the problem of fighting against malaria and done a lot for scientific and technological inventions in traditional Chinese medicine and human health.

Zhang Fuqing,war hero, born in December 1924

Zhang served as a People’s Liberation (解放) Army soldier in the Liberation War and was twice given the name of War Hero. He volunteered in 1955 to work in Laifeng County, Hubei Province’s remotest county,so he could give his life to the poor in the mountainous region.

Wang Youde,desert fighter, born in September 1953

Wang led his partners to build over 600,000 mu of sand-fixation (固定) forest and managed to control nearly I million mu of quicksand, helpfully preventing the development of the Maowusu Desert. His work offered valuable experience to sand prevention and control in China.

Yuan Longping, agriculturalist, born in September 1930

Yuan, the Father of Hybrid Rice, was the first person in the world to develop a hybrid rice strain, and his research on higher rice yields (产量) helped provide a solution to worldwide hunger and starvation.

26Which of the following is Tu Youyou’s great achievement?

ADiscovering artemisinin.                             BServing the people in the poor region.

CPreventing and controlling sand.                  DDeveloping a hybrid rice strain.

27Who used to be a soldier and then worked in the poor region?

ATu Youyou             BZhang Fuqing         CWang Youde           DYuan Longping

28What is Wang Youde doing for our country?

AHe is doing a research on higher rice yields.

BHe is protecting the environment.

CHe is working on the inventions in human health.

DHe is trying to help poor people to be rich.

29Which is the right statement?

AZhang Fuqing is a desert fighter.

BTu Youyou is a war hero.

CWang Youde is the winner of the Nobel Prize.

DYuan Longping is the Father of Hybrid Rice.

30The passage may come from ________.

AA storybook.          BA novel.                 CA newspaper.          DScience fiction.


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