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  • 难度: 使用次数:131 入库时间:2020-11-27
    来源: 福建省福州市文博中学2018-2019学年九年级上学期9月月考英语试题含答案解析


    Michael Leung, a famous TV host in Hong Kong, 61() a letter to his son. It is not only 62 /'helpfl/ to children, but also good for all ages. The following are chosen 63 his letter.

    1. Life is short. While you are 64(浪费) it today you’ll realize you are at the end of it tomorrow. So the earlier you start to value your life, the earlier you can enjoy it.

    2. You might not succeed if you don’t study hard, a 65 a lot of successful people haven’t 66 higher education.

    3.I don’t expect(期待) you to67/sə’pɔ:t/ me for the rest of my life, so I’m not going to do the same for you. You will be living on your own when you grow up.

    4.You can require yourself to be nice to others, 68 you shouldn’t expect the same from others.

    5. I’ve been buying the lottery(彩票) for almost twenty years, but I’m still poor. I have never got the third place even once. So you have to work hard to be 69(成功的). There is no f 70 lunch in the world.

    题型:单词拼写  知识点:名词性从句
  • 难度: 使用次数:127 入库时间:2020-11-24
    来源: 山东省德州市2020年中考英语试题含答案解析

     少年智则国智,少年强则国强。根据下图提示写一篇英语短文, 描述作为青少年的你们将如何成长,并说明原因或目的。除了提示中的内容,请你至少再补充一条。

    build up our bodies by…;

    keep strong and healthy

    develop some interests;

    for example,…;

    make ourselves fully developed

    do housework; such as…;

    help parents; learn to be independent (独立的)



    1、语言通顺, 要点齐全, 意思连贯, 条理清楚, 书写规范;


    380~100, 文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数。

    As teenagers, we are the future of our homeland. We should develop ourselves fully. But how? Here is my opinion.


    题型:  知识点:名词性从句
  • 难度: 使用次数:144 入库时间:2020-11-24
    来源: 江西省南昌市青山湖区义坊学校2020年中考模拟英语试题(新冠肺炎专题)含答案解析



    1. Advantages(stay away from disease/make use of time/...);

    2. Disadvantages(distract(使分心) students from study/bad for eyes/...);

    3. Suggestions on online study(...).


    1. 短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点,条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;

    2. 书写工整,尽量不要涂改,词数不少于80, 开头不计入总词数。

    Ever since the NCP began, it has stopped most people from leaving their homes,

    especially students. 

    题型:  知识点:名词性从句
  • 难度: 使用次数:149 入库时间:2020-11-16
    来源: 广东省深圳市2020年中考英语试题答案解析













    参考词汇:分类 sort out    志愿者volunteer     贡献 contribution

    Dear friends,

    As we know, Shenzhen is working hard to win the title of China's National Civilized City.


    All in all, Shenzhen is our home. It's time to take action.

    The Student Union

    July 20, 2020

    题型:  知识点:名词性从句