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  • 难度: 使用次数:174 入库时间:2020-07-01
    来源: 山东省2020年最新中考英语真题分类汇编专题02完形填空试题含答案解析.doc


    It was Molly’s job to hand her father his paper lunch bag each morning before he left home to work.

    One morning, besides his ____11____ lunch bag. Molly handed him a second paper bag, which looked a bit old.

    “Why two bags?” her father asked. “The other is something else,” Molly answered. “What’s in it?” “Just something. Take it with you.”

    He put___12___ paper bags into his briefcase (公文包), kissed Molly and rushed off. At noon he opened Molly’s bag and took out all the things: a small Teddy bear, 2 tiny sea shells (贝壳), 5 small stones, and 12 coins…The ___13___ father smiled, finished eating, and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket, Molly’s things in the bag included, and then put himself into the afternoon work.

    That evening, Molly ran up to him ___14___ he was reading the newspaper.

    “Where’s my bag?” “What’s bag?” “The one I gave you this morning.”

    “I ___15___ it at the office. Why?” “I forgot to put this ___16___ in it,” she said. “And, besides, Daddy, the things in the bag are the things I really like—I thought you might like to ___17___ with them. You didn’t lose the bag, did you, Daddy?”

    “Oh, no. I just forgot to bring it home.” he ___18___.

    While Molly hugged (拥抱) her father’s neck, he opened the note that read: “I love you, Daddy.” Molly had given him her ___19___ —all that a 7-year-old held.

    Love in a paper bag, and he ___20___ it. He had even thrown it in the wastebasket. So back he went hurriedly to the ___21___. Just before the night cleaner, he found all the things back and carried the bag home ___22___ .

    After dinner, he asked Molly to tell him about the things in the bag. It ___23___ a long time to tell. ___24___ had a story or a memory.

    The life journey with the people we love is all that really matters. It is such a simple ___25___  but it is so easily forgotten.

    11. A. usual           B. new                 C. spare               D. warm

    12. A. all             B. both                C. some                D. many

    13. A. angry           B. careful             C. busy                D. strict

    14. A. since           B. till                C. as                  D. because

    15. A. forgot          B. hid                 C. kept                D. left

    16. A. letter          B. message             C. diary               D. note

    17. A. play            B. joke                C. talk                D. deal

    18. A. lied            B. promised            C. nodded              D. agreed

    19. A. coins           B. stones              C. shells              D. treasures

    20. A. cleaned         B. missed              C. threw               D. dropped

    21. A. school          B. office              C. shop                D. home

    22. A. worriedly       B. actively            C. carefully           D. luckily

    23. A. spent           B. paid                C. cost                D. took

    24. A. Anything        B. Nothing             C. Everything          D. Something

    25. A. rule            B. truth               C. idea                D. way

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:192 入库时间:2020-06-23
    来源: 湖北省2020年最新中考英语真题分类汇编专题02完形填空试题含答案解析.doc

    For Pineda, it was a long way to succeed.

    His story began in El Salvador; where he was born with something wrong with his mouth. He had great___16___in speaking. At age 2, his family’s house burned down. Pineda was hurt ___17___,and his legs needed to be cut. His mother died when he was 8, and he___18___years on the streets before he was taken in by an orphanage(孤儿院).

    Finally, at the orphanage, Pineda began to receive support and encouragement. He taught himself to play the guitar. He began his___19___with other musicians. Then the group went to Chicago, where Pineda, then 18,____20____the attention of many people, who wondered what they could do to help him.

    A hospital offered him free medical care. A rich man agreed to___21___for Pineda’s tickets to and from El Salvador.

    When he was in the hospital, Pineda began___22___music, and wondered if he might be able to record his own album(音乐专辑)Soon with the help of a musician, “The Sound of Gratitude(感激)” was born. On October 15th, Pineda went to a Chicago club to___23___his new songs to strangers, and to the friends who had helped him come so far.

    It was ___24___that Pineda had come into such a good luck, after having so many years of hardship(艰难). “We have a___25___in El Salvador, ‘Suffer(受难)first, then enjoy. ’ I guess that’s what’s happening. ” he said.

    16. A. preparation     B. difficulty          C. development         D. conversation

    17. A. politely        B. wisely              C. simply              D. seriously

    18. A. spent           B. used                C. cost                D. took

    19. A. speech          B. education           C. performance         D. suggestion

    20. A. influenced      B. caught              C. refused.            D. separated

    21. A. ask             B. look                C. pay                 D. wait

    22. A. writing         B. lending             C. selling             D. praising

    23. A. learn           B. lead                C. find                D. play

    24. A. freezing        B. amazing             C. outgoing            D. embarrassing

    25. A. meeting         B. crossing            C. saying              D. meaning

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:133 入库时间:2020-06-23
    来源: 湖北省2020年最新中考英语真题分类汇编专题02完形填空试题含答案解析.doc

    阅读下面短文,从短文后备题所给的A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出可咀填八空白处的最佳选项。

    Four years ago, Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become a freelance copywriter for advertisements, but now he had money trouble. He says that he wishes he’d never___16___to set up his own business.

    “I am now in such a bad situation” says Joel, “I hope I am___17___working as an editor.

    You see, I was_____18_____with my job, and I used to get really angry at my boss and the way he used to___19___me around all the time. I talked to a few friends and they said that they could give me___20___so I told my boss l was leaving. At first, everything was___21___I had so much work that I had to take on an assistant(助理),my best friend at work, Don, just to be___22___to finish things on time. And soon we____23____large amounts of money. Don and I had a really great lifestyle, and when the work was finished, we used to take good___24___in places like Cancun and the Bahamas,just to get relaxed.

    At first,we were busy having fun, and charged(支付)everything to my credit cards instead, but then I began to_____25_____how much in debt(负债)I was. At last, I had to_____26_____Don off. I then had to sell all my office equipment(设备).Now I could do almost nothing even if people   ____27____me. Things got so bad that I even asked my old boss if I could do some work for the   ____28____, but he said that I’d been so____29____to him when I left that he would never employee(雇佣)me again. I’ve had to______30______my business now and I don’t know what I’m going to do for money. It just goes to show, if you set up your own business, you shouldn’t spend money you don’t have.”

    16. A. pretended       B. learned             C. failed              D. decided

    17. A. specially       B. still               C. also                D. certainly

    18. A. pleased         B. strict              C. bored               D. patient

    19. A. show            B. order               C. serve               D. lead

    20. A. time            B. money               C. food                D. work

    21. A. perfect         B. wrong               C. hard                D. fun

    22. A. afraid          B. ready               C. able                D. about

    23. A. lost            B. borrowed            C. donated             D. made

    24. A. vacations       B. pictures            C. courses             D. chances

    25. A. imagine         B. remember            C. wonder              D. realize

    26. A. lay             B. see                 C. take                D. put

    27. A. paid            B. helped              C. forgot              D. asked

    28. A. advertisement   B. magazine            C. equipment           D. lifestyle

    29. A. shy             B. rude                C. lazy                D. straight

    30. A. close down      B. pick up             C. turn down           D. set up

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:184 入库时间:2020-06-23
    来源: 湖北省2020年最新中考英语真题分类汇编专题02完形填空试题含答案解析.doc

    Zhang Peng is a Chinese driver in Xi’an(西安).When he checked the online wallet of his We chat app(微信应用软件),he saw that one of his passengers had paid 6,500 yuan for a___11___pay. That meant the passenger paid about $ 950,  but in fact, the passenger only needed to pay$ 9.50.

    Zhang Peng guessed that the payment was a ____12____ According to the time of the payment, he guessed that the four foreign travelers did it.  He___13___the four travelers, from the train station and dropped them off at a nearby___14___.

    When he___15___to call the four foreign passengers, Zhang Peng directly went to the hotel again where he had dropped them off. Then in the hotel he____16____what had happened to the waiter at the front desk.

    Just at that time, the traveler____17____made the payment came downstairs. She was ___18___    to hear about her mistake. It was her first time to visit the Chinese city, and she said that it was also her first time___19___the app’s online payment function(在线付费功能)to pay for the ride.

    She was____20____more surprised when Zhang Peng refused to get a reward(报酬)and ____21____her all her extra(额外的)money.

    ____22____is true that the traveler had a wonderful _____23_____ of using Wechat. “ I can’t believe it,”  the woman traveler said.  “______24______some people, money is their only dream, and $ 950 is a lot of money.  I felt very excited yesterday______25______the taxi driver came back to return the money in person. I am really grateful.”

    11. A. 65 yuan         B. 65-yuan             C. 65-yuans            D. the 65th yuan

    12. A. mistake         B. question            C. fool                D. praise

    13. A. cheered up      B. put up              C. picked up           D. looked up

    14. A. station         B. hotel               C. hospital            D. restaurant

    15. A. succeeded       B. forgot              C. regretted           D. failed

    16. A. explained       B. asked               C. understood          D. suggested

    17. A. whom            B. who                 C. whose               D. which

    18. A. interested      B. glad                C. angry               D. surprised

    19. A. use             B. using               C. used                D. to use

    20. A. very            B. even                C. quite               D. too

    21. A. got             B. returned            C. cost                D. spent

    22. A. It              B. That                C. He                  D. This

    23. A. trip            B. examination         C. experience          D. vacation

    24. A. As              B. From                C. At                  D. For

    25. A. because         B. because of          C. even if             D. if

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:65 入库时间:2016-07-27
    来源: 四川省达州市2016年中考英语试卷及答案.doc


    It's reported that the 2015 Nobel Prizes have been announced on October 5thSweden's Nobel Prize committee(委员会)said the Nobel Prize for1  will go to scientists from IrelandJapan and ChinaThe prize for medicine is going to Chinese researcher Tu YouyouShe2  artemisinin(青蒿素).Artemisinin is a drug that has greatly lowered the number of people who die from malaria(疟疾).The committee said her greatest achievement is that the discovery of artemisinin has given the world new ways to fight3  two serious diseasesIt is said those diseases influence millions of people every yearMsTu is the chief professor at the China Academy(学院)of Traditonal MedicineShe is also the4  Chinese citizen to be awarded the Nobel Prize in medicineMrTu went through about 40 failures before she succeededBut she never5  and always fought on

    1Aphysics     Bmath    Cchemistry  Dmedicine

    2Adiscovered  Bfound    Ccalled     Dinvented

    3Afor        Bat       Cagainst    Din

    4Afirst       Bsecond   Cthird      Dfourth

    5Aate up     Bgave up  Ctook up    Dmade up

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:112 入库时间:2016-07-20
    来源: 湖南省长沙市长铁一中2016届九年级上学期期末考试英语试题及答案.doc


     The American Computer Museum was open to visitors in 1990 in Bozeman, Montana. At first it was  1    to built in Princeton, New Jersey. The founders (创造者)moved to Bozeman in 1998. He 2  found a great place there .They decided to start the museum there.With Yellowstone Natinal Park to the south and Glaacier National Park to the northwest,the  3   of the museum has risen greatly. The American Computer Museum has been  4  by many American magazines today .

    When visitors first enter the museum ,they are shown a video about the museum and  5  collections . All visitors are given the  to join in tours led by friendly tour guides . We have had visitors  7  are aged from 3 to 93 ---it is a big family. Over 1,000 exhibits (展览品)are shown in the museum, 8 the first computer in the world .Traveing through our museum, you will see the 9  history of  the information age . Computer science becomes easier to 10  when one learns about it’s history.

    (   ) 1.A. planned        B. invented          C. produced

    (   ) 2.A.according to     B.by accident        C.in general

    (   ) 3.A. legend         B. popularity        C.tast

    (   ) 4.A.talked about     B. knocked into      C. handed out

    (   ) 5.A. their          B. her               C.its

    (   ) 6.A.aim            B.mistake            C. chance

    (   ) 7.A. what          B. how               C.who

    (   ) 8.A. below         B. including          C. towards

    (   ) 9.A.exciting        B. tiring             C. willing

    (   )1 0.A. remain        B.notice              C.learn

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:85 入库时间:2016-04-05
    来源: 2016中考英语专题综合检测及答案

    The 30th Olympic Games took place in London from July to August in 2012. Luckily, Chinese  1  fans could watch the exciting games in 3D on TV.

    When you watch 3D movies or TV, you have to wear a(n)  2  pair of glasses. The 3D glasses make the pictures from the screen  3  they are there in the room with you.

    3D means having three dimensions(维度): width, height and depth. 3D technology is similar to the way that the human brain and eyes work.  4  the pupils(瞳孔) of a persons eyes are about 6. 5 cm apart, when we look at something, each eye sees it from a different angle (角度). Our eyes  5  the two pictures to our brain, and the brain puts them together. The small  6  between the picture from the right eye and the picture from the left eye allows us to see depth(立体).

    When we  7  pictures in two dimensions, each eye gets the same information. That is because the picture has no real depth, and there is only one way of looking at it. A 3D movie or TV needs two film projectors(放映机). One projects a left eye picture and the other projects a right eye picture. The 3D glasses allow us to see  8  picture in each eye.

    While one  9  3D films, he feels that he is actually in the same environment as the things hes watching.  10  , it also has its disadvantages. People with eye problems may get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3D movies.

    1. A. ball game         B. music                    C. sports

    2. A. expensive         B. special                  C. mysterious

    3. A. like                  B. look like                C. sound 

    4. A. So                    B. Because                  C. Though 

    5. A. take                  B. lend                     C. send

    6. A. difference            B. pupil                    C. angle

    7. A. look                  B. look at                  C. draw

    8. A. the same              B. a similar                C. a different

    9. A. watch             B. watches                  C. is watching

    10. A. Whenever         B. However              C. Whatever

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:144 入库时间:2016-03-16
    来源: 福建省莆田哲理中学2015-2016学年八年级上学期期末考试试题(英语)及答案.doc


    We know that trees are useful in our everyday life. They   1  us many things, such as wood, oxygen(氧气), rubber(橡胶), medicines and many other things. They can   2   tell us a lot about our climate. The following are the reasons(原因). If you   3   a tree, you can see that it has many rings (年轮). Most trees grow one new ring   4   year. Because of this reason, we know   5  a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred   6 .When the climate is dry or very cold, the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually  7 . When it is wet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick, this means that the   8  changed suddenly(突然). If we look at the rings of this tree, we can   9   about the climate for a hundred years. We can see  10   our climate is changing today.

    (   ) 1. A. tell       B. ask        C. give          D. get   

    (   ) 2. A. not       B. too        C. to            D. also

    (   ) 3. A. cut down  B. climb up    C. walk past     D. look at

    (   )4. A. many     B. every      C. some         D. only

    (   ) 5. A. how big   B. how long   C. how old       D. how much

    (   )6. A. trees     B. leaves     C. people       D. rings

    (   ) 7. A. big      B. thin       C. things       D. small  

    (   ) 8. A. climate   B. trees      C. sky         D. animal   

    (   ) 9. A. study    B. get        C. learn        D. teach 

    (   ) 10. A. how    B. why       C. when        D. while 

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:115 入库时间:2015-09-05
    来源: 2015中考七年级上册 Units 6-9突破题及答案.doc


    Malaysia Airlines (马航) flight MH370 disappeared from radar (雷达) screens an hour after it took off on March 8.It has __1__ for more than 3 months.

    The plane may fall into the sea.ChinaMalaysia and many other countries have joined to search the __2__ on the sea.The relatives of the 227 passengers and 12 crew (乘务人员) are __3__ good news from them.

    How did the accident __4__It is said that the plane was attacked (攻击) by the terrorists.Some think there may be something wrong with the planeand others think the accident may be __5__ by the mistake of the crew.However it is __6__ to tell the reason because the plane hasn't been found yet.

    It may __7__ some time to find the missing plane and even more time to get to know the truth of what happened.Howeverwe can't stop imagining what happened to the plane __8__ it is found.

    Whether the missing plane is found _9__ notthe whole world should pay more attention to the safety of peopleespecially at airports.

    We hope these people on the plane will be __10__and they can get together with their family members.

    1.A.found Bseen  Cflown Dmissed

    2.A.plane  Bterrorists  Cship  DChinese

    3.A.talking about  Bwaiting for

    Clistening to  Dhearing

    4.A.take  Bhappen  Ccome  Dgo

    5.A.given  Bmet  Ccaused  Dtried

    6.A.hard  Beasy  Cwise  Dtrue

    7.A.spend  Btake  Cget  Dwaste

    8.A.before  Bafter  Cuntil  Das soon as

    9.A.nor  Bso  Cand  Dor

    10.A.dangerous  Bsafe

    Cfriendly  Dbad

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:71 入库时间:2014-08-02
    来源: 山东省滨州市2014年初中学业考试英语试题及答案



    Malaysia Airlines(马航)flight MH370 disappeared from radar(雷达)screens an hour after it took off on March 8.It has   1   for more than 3 months.

    The plane maty fall into the sea.China,Malaysia and many other countries have joined to search the   2   on the sea.The relatives of the 227 passengers and 12 crew(乘务人员)are   3    good news from them.

    How did the accident   4   ? It is said that the plane was attacked(攻击)by the terrorists.Some think there may be something wrong with the plane,and others think the accident may be   5     by the mistake of the crew.However it is    6    to tell the reason because the plane hasn’t been found yet.

    1A.found             B.seen               C.flown              D.missed

    2A.Plane             B.terrorists         C.ship                D.Chinese

    3A.talking about B.waiting for        C.listening to      D.hearing

    4A.take              B.happen             C.come             D.go

    5A.given             B.met                 C.caused            D.tried

    6A.hard              B.easy               C.wise                D.true

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:202 入库时间:2014-01-19
    来源: 武汉市九年级12月月考英语试卷及答案

    I had the meanest mother in the whole world.  While 1 kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have porridge, eggs or toast.When others had coke and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich..  But at least, I wasn't  alone when I was My sister and tow brothers had the3 mean mother as I did .
     My mother 4 to  know where we were at all time. She had to know who our friends were and where we were going. We had to clean clothes and take a  every day . The other kids got to wear the same clothes for days . We could not lie in bed  “sick” in order to 6 school .
     The  worse  is yet to7 We had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning.  We couldn't  sleep till noon like our friends.  So 8 they slept , my mother  was brave to 9 the Child Labor law.  She made us work..  We had to wash dishes, make beds, learn to  cook and all 10 of  things at home.  I believe she lay awake thinking 11 all things  for us to do at home.
     My mother was a complete failure as a mother .Two of her children received12 education .13 of us have ever been arrested  or divorced . She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults .I am trying to14 my three children this way . I am 15 with  pride when my children call me mean. Because, you see, I thank God, He gave me the meanest mother in the whole world.        

    1A all           B.another       C.other         D.some

    2 A happy        B.sad          C.ill            D.excited

    3 A different      B.lovely        C.kind          D.same

    4 A preferred     B.liked         C.seemed        D.didn’t want

    5 A a walk       B.a schoolbag    C.a pair of shoes  D.a bath

    6 A go to        B.leave          C.miss         D.finish

    7A to come      B.to go         C.to lose        D.to happen

    8A when        B.while         C.before        D.during

    9A obey         B.follow       C.break         D.catch

    10  A all the        B.some        C.much         D.all sorts

    11 A about        B.up           C.over          D.of

    12 A, l ower        B. different      C. higher        D. worse

    13 A None        B No one       C. Nobody       D. E veryone

    14 A raise        B.feed          C.keep          D.have

    15 A full         B. .fill          C. satisfied       D. filled

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:190 入库时间:2013-03-10
    来源: 江苏省泰州中学附属初中2011-2012学年七年级下学期期中考试试卷 试题及答案.doc

    Dear Bill,

    Thank you   46   all of your kindness. I really   47   at your house for a month.

    Would you like   48   me in Japan next August? My younger brother  49  his holidays in China next summer, and you can   50   his room! But   51   be too surprised when you see it. He’s crazy about football, so he has many pictures of famous football players   52   the wall. His room is very comfortable, and you will enjoy staying in it.

    In his room   53   a colour TV. It’s not a big one. You can use my brother’s CD player,too. I  54 sure you will like Japan. Say   55   to everyone in your family for me. Write back soon.

    Your riend,


    (    )46. A.very much         B.with                        C.for                     D.in

    (    )47.A.like to stay          B.like staying                C.enjoy to stay       D.enjoyed staying

    (    )48.A.visit                   B.visited                 C.visiting               D.to visit

    (    )49.A.has                    B.had                         C.have                  D.will have

    (    )50.A.use                    B.borrow                 C.stay                   D.live

    (    )51.A.don’t                 B.won’t                 C.mustn’t                     D.needn’t

    (    )52.A.in                      B.on                         C.to                      D.up

    (    )53.A.have                  B.has                    C.there is               D.there are

    (    )54.A.think                  B.guess                 C.am                     D.will

    (    )55.A.yes                    B.hello                  C.no                            D.goodbye


    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:155 入库时间:2012-11-08
    来源: 江苏省苏州吴江市青云中学2012届九年级上学期期中考试试卷 试题及答案(英语).doc

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    I will go to Alice’s home with her after school, and I will have supper and sleep there. Don’t    1   about me. You know that Alice is one of my best friends. If you want to talk with me, you can call 68610598 after 6:00 pm.

    Please forgive me for not telling you first. I don’t think you will     2  me to do so if I tell you first.   3   I think teenagers should be allowed to stay at their friends’ houses sometimes. I am sixteen years old and I’m not a little kid any more. I hope I can make decisions for     4   .

    At home, there are too many   5   for me to obey(遵守): Don’t stay out so late; don’t have meals before    6   hands; don’t watch TV without finishing homework, etc. Parents should be    7   teenagers, but we need freedom, too.

    I don’t like doing my homework    8   at home. I’d love to study with  Alice. We can learn a lot from each other.    9    please allow me to stay at Alice’s house once a week. If you    10   , Alice can stay at our house with me, too.                                                       


    (   ) 1. A. care                     B. hear           C. talk             D. worry  

    (   ) 2. A. let                        B. take           C. allow             D. teach

    (   ) 3. A. Unless                  B. Or            C. But              D. Even though

    (   ) 4. A. himself                 B. herself         C. yourself        D. myself

    (   ) 5. A. idea                     B. opinion        C. things             D. rules 

    (   ) 6. A. giving                  B. washing        C. putting          D. holding

    (   ) 7. A. afraid of             B. interested in     C. strict with        D. angry with

    (   ) 8. A. along                   B. alone          C. lonely            D. own

    (   ) 9. A.Or                        B. Although       C. So               D. Because

    (   ) 10. A. worry                B. think          C. agree             D. make


    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:208 入库时间:2012-09-01
    来源: 2012年 江苏省苏州市相城区八年级英语下学期期末考试试卷 试题及答案 练习题 人教新目标版.doc

       An old man lived alone in a town. He wanted to dig up his potato garden, but it was very    41  work. His only son, who always    42    him in the past, was then in prison(监狱).So the old man wrote a letter to his son and said:

        Dear son,

        I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to    43    potatoes in my garden this year. I    44    to miss doing it because your mother always loved planting time. I'm just getting too old to dig up a garden. If you were here, all my    45    would be over. I know you would dig up the garden for me    46    you weren't in prison.

        Love, Dad

        Soon the old man    47    a letter, "Dad, don't dig up the garden! That's where I buried(埋藏)the guns!”

        At 4 a.m. the next morning, some    48   came and dug up the whole garden without finding any gun. The old man was   49   and wrote another note to his son. He told him what had happened, and   50   him what to do next.

        His son's reply was, "Go ahead and plant your potatoes, Dad. It's the best I could do for you

    from here.”

    41. A. hard      B. interesting    C. simple      D. boring

    42. A. taught    B. helped        C. changed     D. stopped

    43. A. cook      B. dig          C. put         D. plant

    44. A. hope      B. forget        C. hate        D. decide

    45. A. trouble    B. illness        C. danger      D. fear

    46. A. if        B. unless        C. because     D. when

    47. A. wrote     B. received      C. sent        D. read

    48. A. friends    B. neighbours    C. policemen   D. prisoners

    49. A. ill        B. lucky        C. surprised    D. sorry

    50. A. told       B. called       C. invited      D. asked

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:146 入库时间:2012-07-14
    来源: 黑龙江省兰西县北安中学2011-2012学年八年级上学期期中考试 试卷 试题及答案 练习题(英语).doc

    We  31  a survey about different  32   transportation last week. We asked students   33   their favorite kinds of transportation.  34  are some of the results. Most students come to school   35  bike and they like  36   bikes. Of course, bikes are   37   than cars and buses. Some students like cars   38  they are safer than bikes. Cars are also faster than bikes and buses. Among some students, buses are not popular, because they often have  39  passengers. Buses are also dirtier and more crowded. However, not many people  40  afford a car.

    31. A. did                                   B. make                               C. have

    32. A. kind of                      B. kinds of                          C. a kind of

    33. A. from           B. With               C. about

    34. A. Here                          B. There                         C. They

    35. A. on                             B. by                                     C. ride

    36. A. by                             B.    on                                  C. riding    

    37. A. cheaper                     B. more expensive    C. cheap

    38. A. though                       B. because                      C. but

    39. A. too much                   B. a lot                           C. too many

    40. A. can                       B. could                       C. may

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:122 入库时间:2012-06-25
    来源: 安徽省池州市2011-2012学年度七年级英语下学期期末复习考试卷 试题及答案 练习题 人教新目标版(一).doc

    Dear Lily,

    We are back in New York City nowWe had   36   good trip

    I  37  to collect my photos yesterdayThey  38  great! l showed these photos  39  my classmatesThey all  40   them

    There is a photo of Ben and Simon  41  the Great WallThere is also a picture of you and  42  in the Forbidden City(紫禁城).

    We really enjoyed  43__vacationWe were sad to  44   you

    Please  45  and visit us in New York City at Chinese New Year



    36Athe              Ba                Can               Dsome

    37Ago               Bwent             Cis going             Dwas going

    38Aarc             Bwere             Cfeel                 Dfelt

    39Afrom            Bby               Cfor             Dto

    40Alike                 Bliked           Clikes                Dliking

    41Ain               Babout            Con              Dfrom

    42AI                Bme               Cwe               Dthey

    43Amy               Byour             Ctheir            Dour

    44Aleave           Bmeet             Ctake away from  Dplay trick on

    45Ago               Bweet             Ccome             Dcame

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:74 入库时间:2012-04-25
    来源: 初二年级第一学期英语期中考试经典试题四.doc

    Dear Mary,                

    Thanks a lot for your letter and the great photos. I like them very much. Here are some of my photos. In the first one, I am swimming in the lake. In the second one, I am playing football on the playground in our school. In the third one, you can see my family at home. We’re having dinner. In the last one, I am with my little sister Beth. She’s watching TV and I am doing my homework.

    Best wishes to you and you family. Please write to me soon.


    1. This letter is from _____ to _____.

        A. Mary; Jim          B. Jim; Mary          C. Ann; Beth   

    2. Jim likes ______ very much.

    A. the letter        B. the beautiful photos        C. A and B

    3. In the first photo, Jim is __________.

    A. playing football       B. swimming        C. A and

    4. Jim has one ________.

    A. sister          B. brother      C. friend

    5. In the last photo, Jim is ______ and Beth is ______.

    A. watching TV; doing homework 

    B. doing homework; watching TV;

    C. having dinner; writing a letter

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:173 入库时间:2012-01-06
    来源: 牛津英语八年级第四单元测试 试题及答案

    Miss Williams was a teacher, and there were thirty small children in her class. They were very nice, and Miss Williams liked    1    of them, but they often lost clothes. It was winter, and the weather was very cold. The children’s mothers always     2    them to school with warm coats and hats and gloves (手套). The children came into the classroom in the morning and    3    their coats and hats and gloves. They     4    their coats and hats on hooks (钩子) on the wall, and their gloves in the pockets of    5    coats.

            6    Tuesday Miss Williams found two small blue gloves on the floor in the evening, and in the morning she said to the children,    7    gloves are these?”, but    8    answered. Then she looked at Dick. “Haven’t you got blue gloves, Dick?” she asked him.

    Yes, Miss,” he answered, “but they    9    be mine. I    10     mine.”

      1. A. both                B. all                      C. some                D. none

      2. A. sent                 B. carried              C. take                  D. put

      3. A. put on             B. put up              C. took off           D. took away

      4. A. took                B. brought             C. carried             D. put

      5. A. his                   B. her                   C. our                   D. their

      6. A. On last            B. Last                 C. In last              D. At last

      7. A. Which             B. Who                 C. Whose             D. What

      8. A. none                B. no one             C. not one            D. nothing

      9. A. mustn’t        B. can’t             C. couldn’t         D. shouldn’t

      10.A. have lost        B. am losing        C. will lose            D. lost

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:112 入库时间:2012-01-06
    来源: 牛津英语八年级第三单元测试 试题及答案

     John Smith is my friend. He is a famous professor(教授).He is clever and 2   .He invited a robot, which could do a lot of things for him, so he won this years Best Scientist in California.

      Last Sunday, he  3  Washington to get the prize. Before he   4  ,a lot of reporters had already been at the airport. They waited and waited, after a long time, but my friend John didnt appear until the plane left. The reporters were very 5    .They shouted, Professor John has  6

    The plane. Ha, Ha!  What would he say?

      In the plane, there was a man came  7  the toilet  8    a wig (假发) on his head. He was short and   9   fat. He was wearing a pair of glasses and a suit with jeans. Ha, he was just Professor Smith. He disguised(乔装打扮)  10     because he didnt want to be seen by the reporters.

    (  ) 1.A. closed                B.  closing         C. close                D. near

    (  ) 2.A. work hard         B.  hard-work    C. working-hard   D. hard-work 

    (  ) 3.A. flew to              B.  flies to          C. flied to             D. by plane to 

    (  ) 4.A. arrived at          B.  reached         C. got                   D. arrived

    (  ) 5.A. exciting             B.  excited         C. worried             D. worrying 

    (  ) 6.A.left                    B.  caught           C. missed             D. lost 

    (  ) 7.A. out of               B.  into               C. in                    D. outside 

    (  ) 8.A. in                     B.  has                C. wears              D. with

    (  ) 9.A.a few                B.  little              C. a little             D. a lot of

    (  ) 10.A. him               B.  himself          C. his                   D. he

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类
  • 难度: 使用次数:108 入库时间:2011-12-28
    来源: 2011年北京市巿初中学业考试英语试题解析 中考真题

     “I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” I thought to myself. Jeff was the last candidate (候选人)for president of Student Council. My best friend Tony came to me and said. “I’m sorry, Mike. I really thought you should be __36__.”

           Later that day, I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room. I offered him a __37__ “Congratulations” and walked to my usual table. To my surprise, Jeff put his plate beside mine.

           “I’m, er—I’m just wondering if you would …consider coming to work on my team,” he said__38__. “You are really smart, and you would be a great manager.”

           “I don’t think so,” I replied, feeling unsure.

           “Well, if you change your mind, we are meeting tomorrow,” he said before moving to another table.

           All that night, I thought about __39__ from Jeff. Maybe being a part of the election process(选举过程) would give __40__ a chance to make important changes at our school. I decided to join them.

           My first goal was to __41__ a catchy advertisement. Within a few days, we designed a poster with Jeff’s pictures showing him in a number of activities. No one could walk through any hallway __42__ passing Jeff’s smiling face.

           My next step was to __43__ which new activities students would like to have at our school. Many of them wanted a chess club and a volleyball team.

           With the information I had collected, Jeff met with the headmaster. The headmaster __44__to add these activities to our school program.

           An eighth grader said, “It’ll be like attending a new school with Jeff as president.”

           Hearing these words made my heart filled with __46__. I had wanted to become president of Student Council to make a difference. I achieved that and more by working as a member of Jeff’s team. He became the most popular candidate and I was large part of his __47__. The fact that it has made a difference in other people’s lives is the real prize. What a great feeling!

    36. A. heard                     B. chosen                C. invited                          D. followed

    37. A. polite                    B. loud                    C. warm                            D. cheerful

    38. A. proudly                B. quickly               C. nervously                     D. regretfully

    39. A. advice                   B. chance                C. message                        D. offer

    40. A. them                     B. him                    C. me                                 D. us

    41. A. print                     B. invent               C. create                             D. send

    42. A. for                        B. from                 C. with                               D. without

    43. A. carry out             B. try out               C. work out                      D. find out

    44. A. agreed                 B. wanted               C. expected                       D. asked

    45. A. allowed              B. received              C. introduced                    D. required

    46. A. pride                  B. surprise              C. patience                       D. hope

    47. A. luck                   B. spirit                   C. life                               D. success

    题型:完型填空  知识点:记事类